Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Fromage frais cheesecake

Type of dish : Dessert
To serve : 8/10
Preparation : 15 min
Cooking : 40 min
Budget : Cheap
From : United Kingdom
Difficulty : Easy

Ingredients :
350g self raising flour
160g sugar
160g butter
100ml dry white wine
1 lemon
2 eggs

50g sugar
1 egg
1 sachet vanilla sugar or teaspoon vanilla essence
100g raisins
200g fromage frais

Recipe :
To make pastry:

Sieve the flour, sugar, salt and grated zest of half the lemon into a large bowl.
Make a well and add the eggs and butter, knead in fat.
Stir carefully, add white wine to give a supple pastry.
Line flan dish with half the pastry.

To make filling:

Mix fromage frais with sugar, vanilla, 1 egg and dried fruit.
Pour mixture onto pastry base.
Roll out rest of pastry and make roof pie.
With damp fingers, seal top and sides of pie.
Prick with fork and put in oven at 400°F (205°C, for 40 minutes.

Scotch shortbread

Type of dish : Dessert
To serve : 6
Preparation : 20 min
Cooking : 30 min
Budget : Cheap
From : United Kingdom
Difficulty : Easy

Ingredients :
150g flour
100g chilled butter (not margarine)
50g sugar

Recipe :
1. Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C).
2. Grease a round 20cm cake tin.
3. Sieve flour into large bowl.
4. Add butter, cut into small cubes and mix with fingers until it has consistency of breadcrumbs.
5. Add sugar, mix and make into a ball.
6. Place in cake tin and spread evenly with the back of a spoon.
7. Prick evenly with a fork and score into 8 with a knife.
8. Cook for 30 minutes until golden.
9. Remove from oven, allow 5 minutes to settle, take out of cake tin and leave to cool.

Advice :
Try pricking a design with your fork before putting shortbread in the oven, or using a cake cutter to make different shapes.

Drinks suggestions: tea, chocolate, cappuccino, coffee.

Pistou sauce

Type of dish : sauces
To serve : 6
Preparation : 20 min
Cooking : 0 min
Budget : Cheap
From : France
Difficulty : Easy

Ingredients :
4 cloves garlic
1 bunch fresh basil
3 very ripe tomatoes
100g grated cheese
5 tablespoon olive oil
Salt & pepper

Recipe :
1. Peel and crush garlic.
2. Strip basil leaves from stalks, rinse and dry carefully.
3. Blanch tomatoes, then peel and seed them.
4. Chop finely, then blend with garlic, basil, 3 pinches of salt and pepper in a food processer.
5. Add a little oil and grated cheese.
6. Blend again, then heat and serve with pasta or rice.

Advice :
Pistou is a French country recipe that makes an excellent accompaniment to cold meats and fish, or on a jacket potato... not to be confused with pesto!

Recommended wines: rosés from Provence, or a Tavel

Mango and raspberry soup

Type of dish : Dessert
To serve : 4
Preparation : 15 min
Cooking : 0 min
Budget : Reasonable
From : Exotic
Difficulty : Easy

Ingredients :
1 packet frozen mango
450g frozen raspberries
100g brown sugar

Recipe :
Make 4 tablespoons sugar into a syrup, with 150ml water. Leave to cool.

Add mango and brown sugar.

Pour into soup bowls or a large tureen, add raspberries and a few mint leaves.

Chill before serving.

Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Cucumber sushi

Type of dish : Starter
To serve : 4
Preparation : 70 min
Cooking : - min
Budget : Reasonable
From : Japan
Difficulty : Hard

Ingredients :
4 sheet dried seaweed
1 avocado
1 cucumber
125g smoked salmon or crab
1 teaspoon wasabi
1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds
1 cup japanese rice

Seasoning :
1/3 cup rice wine vinegar
4 teaspoons sugar
2 teaspoons salt

Sauce :
1/2 teaspoon sesame oil
1/4 cup rice wine vinegar
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 bamboo mat, for rolling (maki-su)

Recipe :
Wash the rice several times wbefore cooking, under running water.
Cook in a cup of cold water, brought to the boil with the rice.
Turn heat down and simmer for 15 minutes. Taste.

Prepare seasoning whilst rice is cooking :
In a saucepan, mix the vinegar, sugar and salt together.
Bring to the boil.
Pour over cooked rice.
Stir with a wooden spoon and leave to chill in fridge.

Cut the seaweed sheets (nori) in two.
Spread each piece with a thin layer of wasabi.
Put about 4 tablespoons of rice on each sheet of seaweed, leaving a gap of 2 cm at each edge.
Sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Slice the smoked salmon, chop the cucumber and avocado.
Carefully put a line of chopped vegetable down the middle of the rice.
With the help of the rolling mat, roll each sheet of seaweed up so that the vegetables are surrounded by rice. You should have a tight cylinder.
Leave to settle for 5 minutes.
Cut each roll into 4 pieces. Serve fresh.

Advice :
Best eaten with sake!

Cucumber and prawns in cream cheese

Type of dish : Starter
To serve : 4
Preparation : 20 min
Cooking : 0 min
Budget : Cheap
From : France
Difficulty : Easy

Ingredients :
1 cucumber
200g prepared prawns
200g low-fat cream cheese
1 lemon
1 teaspoon basil olive oil
1 bunch fresh mint
Salt & pepper

Recipe :
1. Wash, then grate cucumber.
2. Whip cream cheese with lemon juice and oil then season.
3. Keep back a couple of prawns for decoration, but add rest to mixture.
4. Snip mint into mixture, stir well.
5. Share out grated cucumber into four individual piles.
6. Cover with cheese mixture.
7. Serve chilled, decorated with a few prawns and mint leaves.

Advice :
Great with a Tavel wine.

Stuffed sea bass

Type of dish : Main course
To serve : 4
Preparation : 25 min
Cooking : 30 min
Budget : Reasonable
From : USA, Canada
Difficulty : Medium

Ingredients :
Stuffing :

2 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoon diced shallot
2 tablespoon pepper
1 peeked tomato, seeded and chopped
1 tablespoon of finely cut parsley
Salt, black pepper

1 sea bass
4 tablespoons melted butter
1 peeled and diced onion
1 pepper
1 bunch dill
100ml dry vermouth
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Salt, black pepper

Recipe :
Stuffing :
Melt butter in a frying pan, add shallots.
Put to one side.
Add tomato, parsley and salt, mix well.
Preheat oven to 375°F(200°C).

Wash fish under cold running water, dry with paper towels.
Stuff the fish, tie with string.
Grease an oven dish with 2 tablespoons butter, add fish and surround with slices of onion, pepper and sprigs of dill.
Combine the remaining butter, vermouth and lemon juice, pour over fish.
Bring to the boil and add salt and pepper.
Cook in oven for 30 minutes, keep moist by sprinkling with water every 8 minutes.
The fish is ready when it is firm to the touch and the flesh falls away easily.

Advice :
Try replacing the sea bass with pollack, coley or trout.
Recommended Wine : Sauterne